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Stephanie Maida, Managing Editor

Stephanie MaidaTo Get: Damien Hirst 'Seventeen' PVC Bag, $20: Other Criteria There's just something glamorous about medicine cabinets... Tetra x Various Keytags Lighter, $45: Tetra The chicest gift for your favorite chain smoker. Acne Mustang Off White Sunglasses, $330: Acne Studios For those days when I'm just feeling like an alien. To Give: Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe, $13.19: Barnes & Noble For my hippie dippy work wife (see next slide). Pamela Barsky Lipstick Pouch, $16.50: Pamela Barsky The perfect pouch for any kitsch bitch! Ugly Cry Club Pin, $9: Weird Empire A #squad gift for all my sad girls.Stephanie Maida, Managing Editor
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