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Stillhouse Party Whiskey

What better way to gather friends, and the family members whose political jokes are just a bit more humorous after a few shots, than the promise of whiskey? Stillhouse is the new award-winning whiskey, served chilled, tasting toasty and flavorful, and presented in a beautiful stainless steel can ready for the stocking! Stillhouse uses a proprietary sour mash recipe to create its clean, crisp, gluten-free original whiskey, with bold, all-natural flavors to make 69-proof (34.5% ABV) Apple Crisp, Peach Tea, Coconut, Mint Chip and Red Hot. Stillhouse is best served as a chilled shot, on the rocks to create a distinct riff on your favorite cocktail, or in a handcrafted punch. We guarantee it's a chill way to keep all your guests smiling.

Stillhouse, $29

[Photo via @StillhouseUSA]

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