It's so much more noticeable now, when the drinks aren't up to par. What’s your favorite drink to make yourself at home?

I wish I had time to make myself a cocktail at home, I just drink wine at home, but if I had to make myself anything it would be a Negroni. That’s my go-to cocktail when I don’t have anything else, and can never think of anything else. What do you think you can come up with Jim Beam Apple? I bet it’s really good chilled with a little bit of lemon, just adding an additional amount of citrus to cut through the sweetness. And perhaps some sort of bitter, just to elevate it. But personally if I were to make this, because I’m not a bartender anymore but I used to be and I used to work at a ton of nightclubs, I would probably just make it chilled, on the rocks.
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