What are the most important routines for young, middle aged and older readers? Ex 20, 30, 40+ - What products from your line should they be using and why?

20s AT LEAST DAILY EXFOLIATOR - cleanse and exfoliate dead skin cells every single day. It’s really important to get rid of them so that your skin glows and products penetrate better. Then use toner, serum, moisturizer and sunscreen. So the order is cleanse tone serum moisturizer and sunscreen. When you’re 20, if you invest in your skin you are repairing every single day as you go instead of waiting until it is too late to do something about it. At that age, you feel invincible, you think this will never happen to you - but then they [wrinkles, etc] happen. Make taking care of your skin a habit, just like brushing your teeth!
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