So Adam has a background in marketing and Cyndi has experience in brand development and events--what were you guys up to before (or in addition to) launching The Eclective?

So Adam has a background in marketing and Cyndi has experience in brand development and events--what were you guys up to before (or in addition to) launching The Eclective? Cyndi Ramirez: I studied fashion marketing and did some freelance styling and production work while I was still working in nightlife. From there, I started working at Third Wave Fashion, a fashion tech think tank, as the brand and business development manager. There, I oversaw many aspects of the business, from our clients' brand strategy to heading up our monthly events and forming strategic partnerships with major brands. I continue to freelance with them amongst a couple of other clients doing consulting and production work. In addition to that and The Eclective, I run a blog called Taste the Style where I cover what I like to call "the tasty intersection between fashion and food." [Photo via Taste the Style]
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