We all do it—head straight for the nearest store after a frustrating day at work to trade paper or plastic for the rush of happiness that comes from a new shirt, only to wear it once and never again. Sure, shopping makes us feel good, but what if shopping could make us feel even better? Enlightened, even? The ladies over at Zady.com are trying to do just that, and from the reactions that the newly-launched site has been receiving, it already seems like they're succeeding. Soraya Darabi, co-founder of Foodspotting, and Maxine Bédat of The Bootsrap Project, have combined their knowledge of tech and style to create an e-commerce site that truly celebrates quality creations and the people, and stories, behind them.
After the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh earlier this year, there was a mass realization that the "fast fashion" industry needed to change. From supporting fair wages and work conditions to putting names to all the faces behind the products we buy, Zady is a step in the right direction for an industry that's been steadily heading down a dangerous road. We sat down with the founders of our favorite new online destination to learn why, and how, they could be starting a revolution in fashion.
Go HERE to see more from the Guest List series!
Interview by Stephanie Maida
Photos by Nellie Park