"We’re the new old boys club."

[A FEED bag and The Everpurse – a purse that charges your cell phone while inside of it – both companies founded by women and both supported by the Li.st. Rachel on the Everpurse: “ Liz Salcedo, an entrepreneur from Chicago realized that if there was just a way to charge your phone while it was in your purse, that would save so many people so much time, well so many women, unless guys want to start carrying purses, which they’re more than welcome to do! She came up with this prototype and then used Kickstarter to raise money. It’s really great. And it’s a really cute purse!”] What I found interesting in my experience is that I think there are a lot of groups that spun out of the main group. R: We’ve seen that. We've seen women who have used the list as a new sort of social life, you know there’s always something for them to do because of it. We’re the new old boys club.
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