What inspired you to enter the flower business?

Michelle: My mom actually worked as a florist when I was little, so I have always had an affinity for flowers. A little over a year ago for a friend’s bachelorette party, I decided to make her a flower crown. I’d never made one before but called my mom and through trial and error, created one. I loved the experience so much that I decided that I wanted to keep making them and try to sell them. One evening, I told Sarah this idea and how excited I was about it. The next morning, I woke up to an amazing email from Sarah saying how inspired she felt and how she’d love to do it together. So, here we are! Sarah: Michelle and I had been best friends for years and I never even imagined going into business together. I was feeling a little uninspired in my job and when Michelle told me her idea, I remember thinking "this is exactly what I have been looking for."
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