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You're a new mom. Was it difficult for you to get back into shape and back to work?

I’ve been lucky to be able to reintroduce work and fitness at my own pace. I was working to some capacity a few days after giving birth and slowly added responsibilities back to my plate as I was able to. Even now my work day looks very different than it did pre-baby: I used to work even when I wasn’t at work, but now I have very clear boundaries between family time and work time.

In terms of getting back into shape, I feel pretty good about it but haven’t prioritized it. I’m still breastfeeding and uninterrupted time with the baby is pretty priceless to me. Once I stop breastfeeding I think I’ll have more freedom to dive back into my workouts — that’s just not my priority right now, and I’m good with it.

[Photo via @yayabonetti]

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