Rob Piela

Rob Piela is the ex-boxer and now proud owner of Gotham Gym and G-Box in New York City. He's also the trainer for Cara Delevingne, Sigrid Agren, Maryna Linchuk, Josephine Skriver and yes, Gigi Hadid.

This badass boxing trainer has helped many of his model clientele achieve runway-worthy bodies, but we didn't need to spell that out for you. His resistance workouts, paired with light weight training is the first step before he moves them into the boxing ring for a challenging round of sparring. He's trained Gigi for two years and recently revealed the routine she used to get her washboard abs, so obviously we're all ears. 

It's pretty simple but no doubt, it'll make you work. It involves three core moves: planks, which target the deeper muscles, crunches, which target the six-pack, and leg raises, which hit the lower abs. "The combination of those three moves is golden," Piela explained.

A typical workout day for Gigi consists of:

  • 10 minute warm up of punching and jabbing 
  • 3 sets of 40 crunches 
  • Pump up the heart rate with 10 more minutes of intense boxing 
  • 3 more sets of 40 bicycle crunches 
  • 10 more minutes of boxing 
  • Planks, minimum 60 seconds
  • 4 sets of 25 leg raises 
  • *faint*... no seriously, that sh*t is hard but also definitely worth it.

[Photo via @gothamgym]

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