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Jennifer Giamo

Jennifer Giamo, Aaptiv trainer and owner of Trainers in Transit told us that as a fitness professional, she tends to eat healthy about 90% of the time. The other 10% is reserved for cheat meals.

"This doesn't mean I go completely off the rails and eat bacon double cheeseburgers. It means that I balance out my really clean eating with an occasional indulgence," she said.

However, she does employ a few strategies when doing this. First, she plans ahead and knows exactly what her treat is going to be for that week. Second, it must be something that she absolutely LOVES but doesn't fit into her healthy diet on a regular basis. Lastly, she maintains portion control.

"When I do indulge, it's almost always with carbs," Giamo told us. "It will be either a slice of pizza from my favorite pizza place, an everything bagel with cream cheese, avocado, and tomato, or if I'm in the mood for something sweet it can be chocolate chip cookie dough."

[Photo via @trainersintransit]

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