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Fitness Apps

Fitness Apps
Here are a few fitness apps that can help to keep you focused on your diet and exercise routine: My Fitness Pal, Free- Track your calorie intake throughout the day using My Fitness Pal. It has a huge database of searchable foods from restaurants, and brand name items at grocery stores. When you sign up you give them your stats and how much weight you want to lose. This way the app can tell you how many calories per day you should be consuming. It's quick and easy to use and you can program it to send you reminders to stay updated so you never have to have one of those "What did I eat for breakfast yesterday?" head scratching moments when you're trying to retrace your calories. [Photo via] Women's Health Workouts, $1.99- This app comes with 16 preloaded workouts and 130 exercises designed by personal trainers. These workouts are quick and to the point. You can choose which of the 16 best fits your goals or you can download others within the app to better suit your needs. Each work out comes with step by step instructions and photographs to ensure that your doing everything safely. Pocket Workout, $4.99- Designed to be your own personal trainer, Pocket Workout is great because you don't need any equipment to use it. The app uses only calisthenic exercises and routines. This means you get highly effective, quick workouts without ever having to go to the gym.
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