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cat-cowThe Cat-Cow stretch (Chakravakasana) is a great for neutralizing spinal tensions and improving abdominal strength, which improves computer posture in the first place. Start on hands and knees in a tabletop position with a neutral spine. Shoulders should align with wrists, and knees and hips should also be paralleled. Keep the line from your tailbone extending straight through the top of your head with neck long and extended. Cat; Exhaling, tuck your chin to chest, and slowly round out your back by hollowing from your ribs. Think: A zen version of theĀ Cats vs Cucumbers video. Cow; Inhaling, tuck toes under, drop belly towards the ground while keeping your abs engaged and changing your gaze to the ceiling. Roll between each pose, moving with your breath, until you return to a neutral spine. [Photo via @ashtugnette]
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