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What is the best thing about social media and what is the worst?

The best thing is using social media as a tool for interconnectivity. I think the worst part of social media is that it can eclipse the experience of real life. People are engaging more with their devices than with the people and environment around them. I think it also drives us to curate our lives through imagery, which can be dangerous. A photo should capture a moment, but it feels like we are staging moments for the sake of the photo. Who are your favorite people that you follow? Gabriel Saporta, Tennessee Thomas, Ballet Beautiful, Shae Detar, Ellen von Unwerth, Lucy Sykes Rellie, Romy and the Bunnies, Kimberly Van Der Beek, Jenni Kayne. Erin Fetherston, Gabriel SaportaEllen von Unwerth, Erin Fetherston [Erin Fetherston, Gabriel Saporta] [Ellen von Unwerth, Erin Fetherston]
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