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How is the NY crowd different from other cities?

How is the NY crowd different from other cities? Well it's pretty simple, ASOT has the biggest following here in New York. How do you know? When I do the radio broadcast, I can see what city or what country people listen in from, and New York is the biggest. So the last time I saw you was at Electric Zoo, when you closed out the festival with mind-blowing visuals. How important is the visual element? Do you think other DJs should focus on that more? I don't think anybody should do anything. Everybody is free to do whatever they want. The way that I view things is that I'd like to bring something special to the table. I realize a lot of people pay a lot of money to come and see me, so I don't want to disappoint them. I want to go and give them the best show. Having said that, I do think the music is the most important; the visuals are added extra. [Photo via]
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