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What's Next

What's the most challenging thing for you guys right now? Lily: Building the business side of it, we're not tech or business people and it started from an artistic place. More of a social mission than a business. We're learning a lot and making mistakes but we're recovering from them. What is up next for you guys? Lily: The focus is on the redesign and we're working on building the business model. Expanding our videos, brands, content, and connectivity. What can we expect from this re-design? Elisa: Lily created this feature called second skins that is very popular and we're going to be doing more of them. It's where you can trade clothes with people that have different senses of styles.
It brings together people that wouldn't normally interact with each other. Like a teacher and a musician.
They swap clothes and go about their day and we tape their reactions. We'll also be doing round table discussions to talk about issues, body image, race issues and anything that relates to style. And on top of that we're going to have our own blog that will follow our personal journey and show the process behind the camera. [Photo: Lily Mandelbaum, Elisa Goodkind] Check out a segment of Second Skins below.
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