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Describe your creative process for this season, and what served as your inspiration?

Tia CibaniMy creative process for every season is more or less the same. I have a thought, which can be derived from many different sources: a trip I have taken, a film I have seen, a vintage photograph of an iconic personality and so on. Then from that thought, I build a little story based on the era I want to focus on and the scenario and context I want to hone in on. Then come the colors – I establish a very clear color palette and begin to research fabrics based on the thought and colors combined. I build the fabrics through many research and resourcing sessions. At this point, I go back and delve more deeply into my original thought, and research images that focus on silhouettes and details. This helps my sketching process. I then fabricate my sketches, and finally, work on patterns, fittings, and final sample creation. Once the final samples are in my hand, I go back to my original thought and create looks which harken back to the original inspiration.
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