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How does your background and love of travel influence your collection?

Tia CibaniMy background and love of travel is at the epicenter of my work. I can’t help myself, I find myself endlessly going back to my heritage and world references in general to inform me. I love the artisan aspects and I love the challenge of making it all modern and make sense to an urban woman. Despite your world travels and inspirational inspiration, the TiA CiBANi label is very much grounded here in New York City, and entirely produced here. Tell us a little more about how you use the city’s resources to produce your collection from artisans, pattern makers, dyers, etc.? I am so impressed with the Garment District of this city. I have made the decision two years ago to explore the city’s resources and have found a treasure of artisans ranging from milliners to artisan dyers to pleaters of generations. I am touched by their passion and this inspires me a great deal.
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