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Some are saying that the recent resurgence in dance music and ‘rave culture’ owes its origins back to the disco era, and sTudio 54-esque parties, do you agree or disagree?

Some are saying that the recent resurgence in dance music and ‘rave culture’ owes its origins back to the disco era, and sTudio 54-esque parties, do you agree or disagree? Studio 54I’m not pretending to be an expert on dance music, but I would say that disco probably never really died - it just rebranded. After the whole disco demolition night in 979 and when disco itself became a dirty word, it just transformed into other kinds of dance music. Madonna started shortly after that, being produced by Nile Rodgers who was of CHIC, and what didn’t Nile Rodgers do in the disco era. there were many of the same people involved in a lot of what Michael Jackson turned out , which could be called disco by another name. So I think all these kinds of dance music and the whole club culture absolutely owe and enormous amount to disco. In fact, in the last 5 years or so, we see that the term disco has come back into vogue after truly being a dirty word for a long time.

I really think even if I may have laughed at some of these new academic theories when I first heard them, I think there’s a lot to them.

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