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Tell me a little bit about your background

Tell me a little bit about your background. So, I grew up with some really amazing parents. My mom is a crazy Latina lady and she lives in Florida, and my dad is from Portugal. My parents are both totally into everything that I do. They're always trying to come up with creative ideas for me, so whenever I tell them I'm working on some new project, they're always like, "oh, you should do this. You should do that!" My mom just came to town and we actually went to Boom Boom Room together... Stop, that's amazing! And she had champagne on the terrace and smoked a cigarette with the other hand. [Photos by Patrick Macleod] What was your childhood like? I grew up in Florida and went to Parsons for college. I started working full-time my second year of school. I used to work for a French tea company called Kusmi tea and then I got this job working at Miu Miu, as an Assistant Manager. I was the youngest person they had ever hired. How old were you? I was only 20! And during that time I started hanging out with these guys from a perfume company here in the city called Aedes de Venustas. They are the chicest perfume store in New York. They get write ups in Vogue each month. Do you know that brand, Frederic Malle? They are the only place in the United States besides Barneys that carries them.
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