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Jonny Sollis

Jonny Sollis
If you could open for anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? I'm definitely an open format DJ, you gotta pay homage to probably the greatest open format DJ of all time,  DJ AM. And if I had to pick someone obscure, I would open up for Liberace because he was the shit. What's your drink of choice? Makers Mark on the rocks is my favorite. When I'm DJing I usually drink tequila with a splash of soda. Sometimes when you're DJing if you're not drunk it can be really really painful. Describe your style. I like to be comfortable, I like to customize stuff. I like to get stuff embroidered; I feel like a lot of the times you can take stuff and make it your own. That to me has always been cooler. I don't go and buy new clothes, I'll find old shit, and customize it. I'll find an old jean jacket and add pins and patches to make it my own. I would say ghetto trendy is my look. EB Sollis, Jonny Sollis [EB Sollis, Jonny Sollis] If you werent DJing you would be... Working on comedy. Which I currently do. That's sort of my day job. If you opened a club what would you name it? I would name it Libby's after my grandmother. One of the funny things is one of my favorite movies is called Life with Martin Lawrence and Eddie Murphy when I was a kid, and in that movie they talk about a place called Ray's Boom Boom Room. My brother and I, in our childhood used to talk about Ray's Boom Boom Room and out of nowhere the Standard opened up a place called the Boom Boom Room, and we were like "Fuck! They stole our idea!" Favorite artist outside of music. Don Rickles, comedian. And my friend Marty Kulok, he's a photographer. And my mom, she's rad, she's an interior artist. She makes really ugly places look beautiful and she's really good at it, has been doing it for a long time, and it's impressive. How do you get inspired? I guess for comedy, I have a humorous spirit, I find the world funny. I don't find funny people funny, but like people not trying to be funny, and just being themselves are a lot funnier. Like overhearing people on the train. And for DJing, I think one of my favorite things about New York is just walking around and listening to music, it's one of my favorite things to do. I listen to music at all times. I have my iPhone but I also carry my old school iPod which has 15 thousand songs on it, and I like to just put it on shuffle and I'll just listen to songs I would never listen to normally, and it reminds me of songs, and i think oh that would be fun to play. Jonny Sollis, Fat Jew [Jonny Sollis, Fat Jew via]
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