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Sam French

Sam French
Sam FrenchAll-time favorite gig. Probably the most fun are between two nights. The first one was at Darby about 10 months ago. When I started it was just a regular night, and then they come over and say someone wants to meet you and show you something. Kanye West walks in the booth, introduces himself, and he's like "yo I just finished a couple songs, I wanna play them for some people, can I do that?" And I was like "you can do whatever the fuck you want". He starts playing stuff, people are going nuts. He plays some of his older stuff, then he starts playing like rock, and I got back in. So he and I ended up playing song for song for like 3 hours and it was one of the most fun nights of my life. And I could see the self-conscious side of him; he was like "yo can I play this?" And I was like "you can play Bocelli and people will love it." Then New Years at Vegas was just one of those nights. It was at 1Oak...I sound like a poster child for Butter Group (laughs). Kim Kardashian and Kanye were hosting, and it was the day after she announced she was pregnant. So many people came through, everyone was in a great mood. I only had to play for like 2 hours, but I ended up playing from like 11:30 to 4, at which point I had to run to the airport for a 6am flight, but it just flew by. It was so much fun. If you could open for anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? David Bowie. Probably my favorite musician of all time. What's your drink of choice? I don't drink, so diet Coke? Pelligrino. After a late-night set, where do you go out to eat? Ok, that's how you get fat (laughs). I'll put that out there. If I'm gonna go eat, which is a big fucking IF, it would probably be Waverly Restaurant, or Bubby's. Classic, and also right where I live. Describe your style. I like dressing understated and let what's natural come out. There's nothing more beautiful than natural beauty. Now I'm not calling myself beautiful, I'll call Franco beautiful, but there's nothing better than god given beauty so don't cover it up in like beanies and scarves and all this other shit. If you're faking the funk, 'I wore this, this and this to try to make myself look great,' people can tell you're not exuding a natural confidence, and I think that's he most attractive thing in the world. Keep it simple and comfortable. Sam French, DJ Ruen [Photo via] If you weren't DJing you would be... Studying the Greek classics. I probably would go and try to get a PhD in mythology. Favorite artist outside of music. [Howard] Finster. He was a reverend in the south. I have one of his original pieces on my wall. A lot of his stuff is just weird writing on the wall. This thing that I have is about the path to Jesus and he went totally crazy but his work is really cool. I love it. And then an artist who came out of Denmark, Johan Christian Dahl. I go to the Met a lot and just stare at his paintings; he does like harbors in Copenhagen and stuff. Paintings of Vesuvius, very beautiful. How do you get inspired? Call my friend in London. I have a friend in London who I've known for about 12 or 13 years, and he works in music and radio production, but he's just one of the most amazing individuals. He'll listen to anything from pop to John Cage, and I'll always ask him what are you listening to right now? And he'll be like I got really into spectral music so I've been listening to that for the past month. And the kid is just out there so if I really need to get inspired, it happened this summer, I try to get out to London and and I'll just hang around with him for a few weeks and talk.
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