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What's your drink of choice? Champagne. I'm a very fancy lady. After a late-night set, where do you go out to eat? Good Stuff diner, specifically their chicken souvlaki, on 14th b/w 6th and 7th. If I'm really, really, really drunk, and I'm with Mel, because this hasn't happened without Mel, IHOP. Yup, real life. Describe your style. Tribal neon princess who was saved by the bell. If you weren't DJing you would be... Probably in jail? I guess writing of some sort. I'm writing now, and doing songwriting. I'm transitioning into doing pop writing. I want to write a Taylor Swift song, I want to write Katy Perry songs (laughs). KalkuttaLawrence Lee, Kalkutta What do you do during the daytime? I write and I produce. Lately I've been watching a lot of Orange is the New Black. It took a lot more of my daytime than I intended for it to take. But it is pretty amazing. Oh and I eat. I eat all day. If you opened a club, what would you call it? I would call it Jai Ho. You know, from Slumdog Millionaire. Favorite artist outside of music. Keith Haring. How do you get inspired? I'm actually making a collage right now. The process of making it...its actually been very inspiring to me. And I think I'm going to just keep adding to it because it always gets me going. My friends in fashion PR get every magazine ever, but also like older pictures, like of Gwen Stefani from when No Doubt just started and she used to wear the bindis and wife beater and that kind of stuff, pictures of like the Olsen twins. I also like to mention that I'm adopted from an orphanage in India, which is how I got my name, Kalkutta. It's worth mentioning because I have people who reach out to me all the time who are adopted, adopted from India, even just young girls who lack relatable figures, and it's a very important thing to me.
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