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You mentioned there's a bit of a lull in excitement in nightlife in the last few years, why do you think that is?

You mentioned there's been a bit of a lull in nightlife over the last few years, why do you think that is?
EK: I wouldn't say there’s been a lull, as much as there’s been a change in terms of who each particular club is marketed at. I feel what’s happened over the past couple of years, is the mindset has been less 'let's have everyone' and more 'let's have these very specific people', and there's a place for it. Every group needs their home base to go to, but there's also something to be said about the fact that in the past year or two, every single night I would go out and I would know every single person in the room. That's boring, because how am I meeting anyone new? It’s been much more specific - 'these are the only people that are interesting, and these are the only people that are cool, and we're telling you what's cool, and if you don't think it's cool then you're not cool'. There's nothing sexy about that, there's nothing attractive about that. One of the reasons we came here is to be inspired and try and live through the New York that we all read about, and that’s not happening with extremely specialized nightlife. RF: The nightlife I experienced when I came to New York was the people in the room would dictate what that place was, the identity, the atmosphere and the soul, and I think that was lost. A lot of nightlife was telling people what the atmosphere was going to be. Now we're letting the people in here to identify it themselves, and create the atmosphere and the soul, and there's going to be certainly different people that come in here night to night that think of this place as something completely different from someone across the room. Up&Down [Photo via @keenenthompson]
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