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It definitely looks a lot fuller in the before and after pictures!

It definitely looks a lot fuller in the before and after pictures!
Yeah! And then she used her shampoo and conditioner for me—I have really fine, kind of limp hair. She barely did anything but it did a number. I felt like [Gasp] Oh my God! I mean, she's so good and she's so sweet. And so nurturing! She could tell I had had some hair damage and she gave me a card for this guy who helps a lot of people restore their hair. Some hairdressers just do what they want and they don't consider you. They think it's their vision and they'll go aggressive because that's what they want to see. But hers was a path of "I understand that your hair's been through some stuff, so I just want to enhance. I don't want to change you or damage your hair." And she did that, she stuck true to her word, and that means the world to me. Is this the first time you've worked with her? Yeah! And I don't have a colorist in New York, and I feel really grateful to have met her. So yeah, I think I'll start seeing her. I'd like to, together, watch the progress.
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