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Disposable Camera

2. Disposable Camera
There is a major paradox behind disposable cameras --- how does something so temporary produce such lasting memories? Disposable cameras are a easy, low investment camera that let you get wild and messy without worrying about dropping expensive valuables. Try these cool experiments with your standard drug-store Kodak camera to make art out of your concert shots. [Photo via] Hello Kitty Disposable Camera, $8, click HERE to buy
Create a D.I.Y Filter
Take clear packaging tape and color over it with a magic marker. Place colored tape over lens. Watch your pictures have a cool color cast over them once developed. Same method can be used when taping the D.I.Y filter over the camera's flash.
Damage the Lens
Take a screw driver, heat it up with a blow dryer, and scratch the camera's lens. Your pictures will have a dreamy ambiance to them after being developed.
Damage the Film
Leave the camera in the freezer over night, your pictures will in effect have light leaks in them.
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