The Nerd Alert Report...

by Rachelle Hruska · March 19, 2009

    Pow Wow.  Each month, the highest nerds on the totem pole get together to give demonstrations to each other.  Last night's included an egg experiement (shown at left) by Michael Cirino, of "A Razor, A Shiny Knife," profile of Panama by Mia Baxter and Miky Fabrega and Bhangra Dancing by Manish Vora.

    Cisco buys Pure Digital (Flip Video) for $590 Million. Cisco believes the Flip cameras are a new form of "visual networking" built for the YouTube Generation. Pure Digital has raised $69 million over the past five years from various investors, of whom are more than happy, we're sure. [Tech Crunch

    The new Facebook: "Provides definitive proof that Twitter and Tumblr had sex 40 weeks ago. And then Zuck stole the baby from the hospital." I couldn't have said it better myself. [jkottke]

    Christopher Walken is the newest Twitter user.  So far he's playing with bulejay's and squirrels and trying to figure out what to do with his free Snuggie he just received. [Twitter]

    Start a giant game of Tetris " Even after a full eight hours of gameplay you’ll probably be nowhere! The screencap here is of five minutes of play, and then letting it drop shapes on its own for another 2 hours and 42 minutes (larger version HERE). You can leave your desk, go take a nap in your car, and have barely missed a thing. WHEE!" [Carlovely]