Goldbar Fundays, I'm In Love

by ERIC UGLAND · November 30, 2009

    Goldbar FundaysWhile the Cure may have picked Friday as their day for love, I choose GoldBar Funday. Jon Lennon (not to be confused with John Lennon) presented the Funday last last Sunday (no, not a typo, Sunday November 22) with special guest DJ RevoLution rocking the decks along with resident DJs Jesse Marco and DJ Sinatra. -

    As we've said before, GoldBar is a phenomenal place to party, and it appears last last Sunday was a stunning day to celebrate fun.

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    Goldbar Fundays

    [All photos via KirillWasHere]