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@Hautenights, My birthday is coming up and I'm planning to have a big celebration week with my girls. I plan on going to places like Lavo, SL, and Avenue. The problem is that one of my girlfriends is really big, close to 200 lbs. I know she won't get into the clubs, but I have to invite her since she's one of my closest friends. Can I slip her in with the rest of my group of hot girls? What should I do? Julia
Juia, I’m going to assume you plan on going out with a promoter or are just going to wait on line until someone notices your group of girls and escorts you in. Whatever you do, do not invite this girl out to a high-end nightclub. I know you’re thinking I’m an asshole for saying this but I’m going to save you and especially her a lot of grief. Nightlife is a business and part of the way this business works is they fill up the venue with hot girls and use them as justification to charge guys $500 for a $40 bottle of goose. Doormen at these places do not care about how great your overweight friend’s personality is. They care about filling the venue up with the coolest people and the most beautiful women. If your friend is as obese as you’re making it out to be, they may not care how hot the rest of your friends are. They will shoot her down on the spot, with an audience to amplify the humiliation. Her self-esteem will be a lot more damaged, then if you had just been honest with her in the first place. If this is a really close friend and you really want to include her in your birthday my suggestion is to do a dinner (she’ll love that). Then follow it with a night out at a low-key wine bar or lounge that doesn’t have a strict door policy. This will be your main birthday party. Then go out the rest of the week with your hot friends and impose an embargo on any social media posts, so you won’t be rubbing it in her face every night. While this may seem kind of shady, it’s better than your friend being publicly humiliated. The fact is she may already know that she can’t get into those kind of venues and wont take offense as long as you include her in some way. In the words of Daniel Tosh “Being an ugly woman is like being a man. You're gonna have to work..”
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