They have a completely out of touch vocabulary

Red? You're going to have to be more specific because do you mean wine (NOT dark red) or burgundy? And don't you dare assume that USC (a.k.a. University of Spoiled Children) and Harvard have the same school colors because there is a very big difference between cardinal and crimson. They think "ghetto" is an abbreviated version of "getaway" (e.g. a weekend trip to Dubai), they think "spirit animal" is a New Age way of saying "family crest" (with the exception of Gwyneth Paltrow), and they thought you were saying "polyglot" in another language when you meant "polyester." So much for paying for the best education in the country for 22 years only to have no idea how to have a conversation with a plebeian, right? 

[Photo via @edgartownyc]

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