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Kate Spade Saturday

Kate Spade Saturday
Kate Spade Saturday Store"Saturday," Kate Spade's lower-priced sister line, has launched its retail website and multiple pop-up shops in NYC. Each of the four shops are open 24 hours a day and rather than trying on your dresses or skirts, you use one of the iPads installed throughout the store to select your items and checkout. Your purchase will then be delivered to you within the hour. There are 30 items to browse through and new products will go up every Saturday. The line is aimed at a slightly younger crowd than its older sister, and is priced 50% lower than Kate Spade New York. These all night long pseudo-shops even make drunk shopping a reality, as it's conveniently located in popular nightlife areas. Hurry over to Saturday quick, because they'll only be here until July 7th! Saturday 175 Orchard Street 154 Spring Street 7 West 18th Street 30 Gansevoort Street [photo via]
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