Our favorite month of facial hair has come to an end but those four weeks of promoting men's health awareness and barber shop partying were well spent. Movember is the month where it is socially acceptable (and, gulp, encouraged) for many males to let some of their hygiene routines slide only for the astute cause of raising money for prostate cancer. This year we got some real scruffy and full staches and beards but some major slack in the tip twirling, guys. Here's a collection of some of the best facial fashions.

At the official Movember Gala Parté, many moustaches were honored and awarded. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock shaved his upper lip locks, Spurlock donated $5,000 to this year's cause and other costumed attendees danced the night away in the Roseland Ballroom at this years finale bash. All proceeds from the party and month long Mo Space donation site go directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG.