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Dog babysitting service

Dogs are amazing, but they cost a lot of money and time in New York. As the Notorious B.I.G. said, "Buy bitches, spend money"- am I right? Terrible jokes aside, if you call yourself a dog mom in your social media bio, you sure as shit better do your best to live up to it! After all, dogs should be treated like the royalty they are. But sometimes, you have to spend time at places that for some godforsaken reason don't allow dogs. Your place of work or restaurants may call them a "distraction" or a "sanitation risk" but we all know they're being ridiculous. My dogs are infinitely less disgusting then some of the nasty skank New Yorkers I know (and love) (and sort of hate too) who are allowed to eat there, and did I mention my dogs eat their own poop? But unfortunately, I don't make the rules. So when you can't take your fluffy lil fella with you, it's understandable why you need to drop some dough to keep them occupied!

[Photo via @buddyboowaggytails]

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