Single Edition Teaches Women How To Be Single In NYC

by Chiara Atik · November 4, 2009

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    "Single Edition", a group dedicated to boosting the morale of the interminably single New York woman, has put together a three-part singles lifestyle panel, where women can learn about "Cooking For One" and "Where To Meet Mr. Right" (Hint: Not at this event.)

    The event took place in the Saks Fifth Avenue Shoe Department (because, duh, women love shoes), and featured cocktails, free manicures, makeovers (in case your current bright blue eyeshadow is scaring men away?) and a panel of leading experts such as sex therapists, dating coaches, and fitness trainers.

    Easy to poke fun, but the truth is there ARE a lot of single women in New York, and the fact that so many women identify with characters such as Carrie Bradshaw and Bridget Jones proves there is definitely a market for this type of event. And really, going out, meeting people, getting a manicure...better than sitting on the couch singing "All By Myself", right?