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CFDA, Met's and Edition01.com Celebrate Designer Collaboration at Citifield

CFDA, Met's and Edition01.com Celebrate Designer Collaboration at Citi Field
Where: Citi Field Who was there: Guests included Coco Rocha, Steven Kolb, Farzam Kamel, Billy Reid, Richard Wilpon, Debbie Wilpon, Yigal Azrouel, Jessica Wilpon Kamel, James Conran, Rogan Gregory, Scott Mackinlay Hahn, Billy Farrell, Jeff Halmos, Joe Schildhorn, Lisa Mayock, and Logan Horne. Other details: Coco Rocha ‏(@cocorocha) tweeted:
I spy with my little eye... ME ON THE JUMBOTRON AT CITI FIELD!?
steven kolb (‏@stevenkolb) tweeted:
About to enter citified 4 batting practice with the #Mets. Hoping my high skul gym teacher follows me on twitter & is reading this.
[Photo: Coco Rocha via] [Jeff Halmos, Steven Kolb, Scott Mackinlay Hahn, Rogan Gregory via]] [Coco Rocha via] [Billy Reid, Steven Kolb, Yigal Azrouel via] [Billy Reid, Steven Kolb] [Coco Rocha, James Conran, photos via BFA]
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