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obama at 40/40

Beyonce and Jay-Z Host Fundraising Dinner for President Obama
Where: 40/40 Club Who was there: Guests included Beyonce, Jay-Z, and Barack Obama. Other Details: Obama's arrival to NYC caused traffic jams throughout the city, but the President's visit was well worth it for lucky guests who got to attend the intimate $40,000 per plate dinner party, thrown by Beyonce and Jay-Z at Jay-Z's 40/40 Club. Over $4 million was raised throughout the evening. Obama gave a speech at the party, noting the similarities between himself and Jay-Z.
"We both have daughters and our wives are more popular than we are. So, you know, we've got a little bond there. It's hard but it's okay."
[President Obama, Beyonce, Jay-Z, via Facebook] [Photos via]
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