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Adult Swim's Finale Party for Delocated

Adult Swim's Finale Party for Delocated
Where: Comedy Bar Who was there: Guests included Paul Rudd, Jon Glaser, Todd Barry, Eugene Mirman, Amy Carlson, Amy Carlson, Heather Lawless, Wyatt Cenac, Steve Cirbus, Naomi Munro, Mariko Munro, Aidy Bryant, and Tim Robinson. [Jon Glaser via] [Wyatt Cenac via] Other details: Last night, Delocated creator, Jon Glaser, was at the Comedy Bar with a pretty bizarre group of friends, to celebrate the series finale. At the Delocated finale party, Glaser revealed his next idea,
"It’s about a guy that wears neon but he also hates werewolves. He wears Coors Light pants because they call Coors Light the silver bullet, so those are his silver bullets to combat werewolves."
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