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Sigerson Morrison and Taylor Tomas Hill Present FW12 Collection

Sigerson Morrison and Tayor Tomasi Hill Present FW12 Collection
Where: The Bowery Hotel Who was there: Guests included Taylor Tomasi Hill, Ana Maria Pimentel, Angela Gilltrap, Anna Scott, David Thielebeule, Emily Weiss, Rachael Wang, Kate Klobe, Maria Duenas Jacobs, Gretchen Fenton, May Kwok, Natalie Suarez, Phil Oh, Rajni Jacques, Sarah Goulet, Stephanie Jones, and Tamara Rappa. Other details: Taylor Tomasi Hill (@ttomashill) tweeted:
"@bellebysigerson @SigersonShoes and I are getting into floral arrangements. If you want it done right, do it yourself"
[Rajni Jacques, Taylor Tomasi Hill via Twitter] - - [Taylor Tomasi Hill via Twitter] [Photo via Twitter]
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