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Valentino Celebrates Erica Reid's New Book "Thriving Child"

Valentino Celebrates Erica Reid's New Book "Thriving Child"
Where: Valentino Who was there: Guests included Jamie Tisch, Tamara Mellon, Erica Reid, SunHee Grinnell, Colleen Kennedy, Christine Mack, Jennifer Creel, Lisa Anastos, Lionel Geneste, Olivia Chantecaille, and Rory Hermelee. Other details: Tamara Mellon ‏ (@TamaraMellon) tweeted:
Amazing event today at Valentino for my girlfriend @EricaHReid for her book "the thriving child"
[Photo: Jamie Tisch, Tamara Mellon, Erica Reid, SunHee Grinnell via BFA]
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