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Whistles CEO Jane Shepherdson Hosts #BellesandWhistles Dinner

Where: Lafayette Who was there: Guests included Jane Shepherdson, Brooke Jaffe, Garance Doré, Leandra Medine, Delphine Del Val, Eva Chen, Kate Malkin, Vashtie Kola, Virginia Norris, Erin Cunningham, Nikki Ogunnaike, Verena von Pfetten, Danielle McGrory, Kate Alper, and Laurie Marcano. Garance Dore, Jane Shepherdson [Garance Dore, Jane Shepherdson via @kcdworldwide] Kate Malkin, Vashtie KolaLeandra Medine, Virginia NorrisEva Chen [Kate Malkin, Vashtie Kola] [Leandra Medine, Virginia Norris] [Eva Chen] [Photos: Sam Deitch/BFAnyc.com]
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