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Town & Country, Yael Sonia, And Free Arts NYC

Yael Sonia, Sarah BrayWhere: Yael Sonia Who was there: Guests included Yael Sonia, Elle Dee, Sarah Bray, Liz Hopfan, Ilana Whitestone, Jennifer Levene Bruno, Roberto Nishimura, Adelia Decoene, Justin Fox, Romulo Sans, Allison Burns, Blair Gilbert, Dani Henderson, Erica Kane, Frank White, Kisha Batista, Matthew Rosenberg, Pari Ehsan, Rosalyn Carlet, Venus Dennison, Alexis Zukowski, Annie Vaughn, Ashley Garove, Britta Briscoe, Caitilin Gallagher, Chevonne Silverman, Craig Montague, Elle Dee, Fallon Nachmani, Frank Sun, George Liu, Grace Dowd, Habib Yazdi Frank Sun, Heather Lipari, Inii Kim, Jenny Gianna Kim, John Rodin, Jordan Askill, Jose Camarano, Mandy Balsey, Michael Wooten, Miguel Quiros, Nick Boney, Rachel Rodin, Robbie Imes, Shouka Amirsolimani, Stephen Elrod, Thomas Decoene, Tony King, and more. Other details: Last night, Town and Country teamed up with jewelry designer Yael Sonia to celebrate Free Arts NYC. Guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d'oeuvres while looking at the beautiful jewelry. DJ Elle Dee provided music to complete the exciting atmosphere. [Yael Sonia, Sarah Bray via @yaelsonia] DJ Elle DeeAlexis Zukowski, Robbie Imes [DJ Elle Dee] [Alexis Zukowski, Robbie Imes by Carly Erickson/BFAnyc.com]
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