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Joe Jonas, Nur Khan and Peter Davis Celebrate SCENE Magazine’s April Issue

Joe Jonas, Nur Khan and Peter Davis Celebrate SCENE Magazine’s April Issue
Where: Electric Room Who was there: Guests included Joe Jonas, Nur Khan, Peter Davis, Daniel Arsham, Maxwell Osborne, Gigi Hadid, Blanda, Scott Lipps, Gabrielle Swan, DJ Cash Money, Joseph Parcon, Patrick McGregor, Kate Krone, Zachary Weiss, Elizabeth Landers, Michael Hafford, DJ Kiss, DJ M.O.S., Joseph Meyer, and Hanuk Hanuk. Other details: Last night, Joe Jonas, Nur Khan and Peter Davis celebrated Scene Magazine’s April issue at Electric Room. Cover star Joe Jonas served as the epicenter of the party, where he casually greeted partygoers from his center table. Jonas’ girlfriend Blanda and model Gigi Hadid joined Jonas and company for conversation. Hadid & Scene Magazine’s Social Editor, Zachary Weiss, posed with a copy of the April issue, while Jonas chatted with Public School designer Maxwell Osborne. Osborne continued to chat with Jonas as he nonchalantly lit a cigarette in Electric Room’s packed space. DJ Cash Money blasted upbeat sounds throughout Nur Khan’s hot spot. Khan made his social rounds, circling the room, before heading out. Man-about-town Scott Lipps swung by after the Master Dynamic party, and Hanuk Hanuk snapped his signature party shots. Artist Daniel Arsham was also on hand to fete Scene Magazine’s April issue. Nur Khan, Joe Jonas, Peter Davis [Nur Khan, Joe Jonas, Peter Davis] Joe Jonas, Blanda Eggenschwiler, Richard Chai [Joe Jonas, Blanda Eggenschwiler, Richard Chai] [Photos courtesy of Patrick McMullan]
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