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Exposed Zippers Celebrates 100 At Oak

Exposed Zippers Celebrates 100 At Oak
Where: Oak Who was there: Guests included Cintra Wilson, Lisa Weiss, Laurel St. Romain, Danny Randell, Leena Sanzgiri, Victor-John Villanueva, Lucia Tait, Amanda Sheppard, Brianna Giovanello, Jaclyn Mayer, Laura Siegel, Orly Genger, Whitney Pozgay, Whitney Larkin, Peter Davis, and Louis Monoyudis. Other details: ShellyLeSun ‏(@ShellyLeSun) tweeted:
Enjoying champagne and talks over at Oak, celebrating Exposed Zippers 100th.
[Photo: Lucia Tait, Lisa Weiss, Amanda Sheppard via BFA]
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