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The Kitchen Spring Gala Benefit Honoring Robert Longo After-Party

Where: Cipriani Wall Street Other details: Following the dinner portion of The Kitchen's 2014 Spring Gala honoring artist Robert Longo, an after-party was held on the balcony of Cipriani Wall Street, overlooking the main dining hall. The bartenders continued to pour drinks well into the night, but guests also got to munch on bite-sized desserts like creme puffs and chocolate covered strawberries. The dance floor was crowded with guests moving to the spins of DJs Holy Ghost! and Nicolas Jaar through the rest of the night. The Kitchen Spring Gala After-Party [Photo via @flauntmagazine] The Kitchen Spring Gala After-party [Photo via @emilyruotolo] Kitchen Gala after party The Kitchen Spring Gala after-party
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