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Lighthouse International "A Posh Affair" Honoring Lizzie Tisch, Robert Couturier, and Chris Fiore

Lighthouse International "A Posh Affair" Honoring Lizzie Tisch, Robert Couturier, and Chris Fiore
Where: The Pierre Who was there: Guests included Robert Verdi, Kris Jenner, Robert Couturier, Lizzie Tisch, Chris Fiore, Amy Fine Collins, Mark Ackermann, Kyle DeWoody, Lorry Newhouse, Carl Apfel, Iris Apfel, Clair Watson, Brian Wolk, Ranjana Khan, Naeem Khan, Lucia Hwong Gordon, Di Mondo, Jean Shafiroff, Dennis Basso, Caroline Dean, Jonathan Tisch, Jay McInerny, Joe Ripp, Tom Murro, and Dori Cooperman. [Photo: Dori Cooperman, Jonathan Tisch, Lizzie Tisch via Twitter]
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