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Howard Hughes's mini-estate

Howard Hughes's mini-estate
Palm Springs, California -- $500/nt Finally, pack your favorite pee bottle and head to the mountains of Palm Springs, where you can kick back poolside and soak in the desert views in this mod tri-level home with its own spa, pool, and crazy winding patio balcony that kind of looks like a putt-putt green. Not only did the famed aviator and businessman own the abode, but so did Eva Gabor. Smokey Robinson vacationed here, and Robert Evans (producer of The Godfather) had his honeymoon here. Local tip for travelers: The late Bob Hope's volcano palace is just up the road, so a neighborhood stroll may prove as entertaining as a TMZ tour. And, if you opt for a trip downtown for a bite, ask your cabbie to take you to "the Loop" or "the Village" to get dropped right in the heart of it all. Howard Hughes's mini-estate
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