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Rogue & Canon

Rogue Burger & Midnight Train To Georgia From Rogue & Canon
It's time to trade in your usual squeeze of ketchup and mustard. Instead of limiting your smear of peanut butter to the average PB&J sandwich, opt to slather some onto unexpected places like the Rogue burger at Rogue & Canon. The creamy condiment perfectly enhances the crispy pork belly, aged cheddar, onion marmalade, and fluffy potato roll. Take it a step further and pair it alongside a Midnight Train to Georgia. This concoction of bourbon, peanut liquor, maple-bacon bitters and charred rosemary will be sure to send your taste buds on the ultimate flavor journey. Rogue & Canon proves that you can never be too old for peanut butter. Rogue & Canon 128 West Houston Street 646-398-8700
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