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Again, another app that totally should not be necessary for us ladies to have but, sadly, that is very much the case. Such is the state of the world that women must cash out for cabs to get home at night when, if the world were kinder to women, they could've walked home without risk of violence. Basically, with Companion, you choose a couple of trusty friends to be your Companions that can help you get from Point A to Point B safely. If you start running, your phone falls to the ground, or your headphones are yanked out, the app will send you a text. If you don't respond within 15 seconds, your Companions will be notified. Plus, these Companions will have a live map of your progress, even if they don't have the app. Like having a burly bodyguard, but without the risk of him hitting on you!

[Photo via @bobwelch]

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