Gossip Girl Spoiler Alert! Lily And Rufus Reunited With Long Lost Son At Last!

by Rachelle Hruska · August 13, 2009

    [Photos by Bauer Griffin]

    Thanks to modern technology, you never have to wait until your shows actually air to piece together the story lines. Case in point: these great shots that the paparazi scored in China Town of Lily and Rufus reuniting with their bastard child.  Played by actor Chris Riggi, this character is sure to stir up some controversy on the UES. And, according to the Post, Blake Lively was spotted filming outside of the UES mainstay, Dorrians on 2nd and 84th. Yes, but did she stop inside to get a drink from Adler?

    More photos below....


    Michelle Trachtenberg

    The new kid in town