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Bodega Negra

Bodega NegraAfter we wrapped up the appetizers, a whole roasted pig was wheeled out. Yes, you heard me correctly, a whole roasted pig! After a lot of pictures and excitement over the pig it was brought back into the kitchen to be properly served. Moments later, the pig was sliced beautifully on a platter with house made fresh corn tortillas and a selection of Mexican salsas. It was evident that the tender pig was cooked for hours and the salsas to pair with the pig were carefully chosen. Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Jalapeno-Cheddar Cornbread Stuffing, and Brussels Sprouts with peanuts, pickled chilies and dried cranberries were served as sides. @chefmikea, if you are reading this I NEED the recipe for the Jalapeno-Cheddar Cornbread Stuffing because I think I finished an entire skillet on my own. It was the perfect juxtaposition of textures and flavors - crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.
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